Innovative Meat and Bacon Processing Solutions by Danfotech

Machines for Pressing Meat and bacon

Danfotech is a leading supplier of innovative and tailor-made solutions for the meat processing industry.

We specialize in turn-key solutions including processing plants, as well as modification, extension or renovation of existing plants and systems.

The overall success criteria for the Meat and Bacon projects are:

  • Maximum yields and high quality of the bacon and meat loins that come out of the press.
  • High quality for processing frozen bacon or meat 24 /7 depending on your shift patterns.
  • We must ensure that bacon and meat loins are processed in the best way possible so that we get maximum slice yield and the desired packaging format.
  • The Middleby Total Line setup is designed and manufactured in full compliance with our Customers, and their specifications

Pressing machines can be used to process and prepare a variety of products, including:

  • Sliced products
  • Cured meat products
  • Lean finely textured beef